Letter from the Editor

By Lynn Sander, MD

Posted on September 18, 2011 – Dear Colleagues:

I am extremely happy to be able to return as Editor of Corrdocs. My thanks go to Dean Rieger, who took time from his busy schedule to fill in during my absence and who solicited the articles in this issue. Although the transition created some disruption in the publication schedule, we are committed to providing you with four issues again this year.

The articles in this issue have two things in common. First, there is an international component, but more importantly they demonstrate our colleagues’ commitment to improving the life and health of those in need in spite of what some might see as personal sacrifice. This is not how the authors saw it. More, they demonstrated the principle that happiness and self-fulfillment are achieved from giving rather than receiving. As a close personal friend said to me long ago after providing support and assistance at my request to the mother of my daughter’s classmate, who was alone in Boston awaiting surgery on her newborn with a lethal heart defect, I always felt that I got more than I gave when helping others.

I hope that you enjoy the issue and to see you in Baltimore at the SCP meeting covering Diabetes Management in Corrections on Sunday, October 16, 2011.
Lynn Sander, MD