Spring 2008

Spring 2008 (Volume 11, Issue 2)

Challenges Facing the Juvenile Justice System
After several decades of bad news about the juvenile justice system, statistics began to show a few positive trends in the late 1990s, but many challe
Female Juvenile Offenders
The provision of health care to female adolescents in an incarcerated environment presents a challenge to health care providers, as well as to adminis
Guest in the House, or Co-owners?
It is often said that physicians working in correctional facilities have felt like guests in someone else’s house. Prisons and jails serve punitive an
Medication Rashes
A 21-year-old woman is given amoxicillin for a sore throat. Four days later she returns with a diffuse, maculopapular eruption. Other than the sore
Pediatric Chest Pain
Chest pain in adults that do not look obviously toxic is always a serious concern, but the goal is relatively simple: rule out acute coronary syndrome
A Day in the Life
Pride goeth before a fall. Somebody important and wise said this. I’ve always believed, with a hint of smugness (ok, more than a hint if we’re being
Legal and Legislative Updates
With all of the challenges facing medical and mental health providers caring for incarcerated individuals, even more complex issues arise when the pat