The (ACCP) American College of Correctional Physicians is a Section 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and your contribution may qualify as a charitable deduction for federal income tax purposes as a business or trade expense. Please consult with a tax adviser or the IRS. The American College of Correctional Physicians Federal ID # is: 99-0670070. Copy of W9 available on request via:
The ACCP is the only international membership organization committed solely to the professional development and fellowship for Correctional Physicians, Dentists and Mid-Level Practitioners, providing a venue of advocacy for us and for our patients.
The ACCP endeavors to advance research, education, and training in correctional medicine through academia and government.
As a non-profit organization, the ACCP relies on the generosity of organizations and individuals as a major resource in our ability to deliver high quality continuing medical education to members and non-members alike. Our organization is hoping for the financial support like yours to further its many programs and education imperative.
The ACCP appreciates donations in any amount! Donations can be designated to support a specific campaign or can provide overall support of the ACCP and its programs.
Please consider donating today.
Thank you!