Slowly but steadily the correctional physician’s voice is growing louder in the professional medical community. The ACCP plans to turn that voice into a roar. Share your ideas with us, run for a board position, write for this publication, renew your membership, get your colleagues to join and share their passion, energy and enthusiasm for correctional medicine. Together we can garner the respect, credibility, and professionalism that other specialties currently enjoy.
ACCP Membership Levels & Dues
(Full Member)
1 year - $175 | 2 years - $315 | 3 years - $425
Click Here To
PA, NP, DDS, PharmD, DPM, OD and Mental Health professionals with a Doctorate Degree
(Associate Member - Non Voting)
1 year - $ 120 | 2 years - $225 | 3 years - $335
Click Here To
In Training (Resident or Student)
(Non Voting)
Free 1 year membership
Click Here To
OR - For any of the above membership levels:
APPLY & PAY by - E-mail or Regular Mail
Download and complete this membership application and send it along with your payment to:
Regular Mail:
Jessica Roquemore
100 Old Cherokee Road
Suite F262
Lexington, SC 29072
Group Memberships - (The ACCP offers significant discounts for group memberships!!)
These are for (Full) and (Associate) membership types and come with all the usual member benefits!
Group Membership Discount Levels:
10 - 20 Members: 20%
21 - 50 Members: 30%
51 - 100 Members: 40%
100+ Members: 50%
Steps to submit:
FIRST - Review the current ACCP membership types above and be prepared to provide the associated (*Member Type) information for your data file.
SECOND - Download the required .csv file template HERE. Complete the data file and email it to for processing. Your submission will not be accepted without the required fields! These are noted below.
Required data fields:
First Name
Last Name
Work Phone
*Member Type
THIRD - ACCP staff will review your submission and contact you for payment and final setup.
SPECIAL NOTE: What if a member in your group leaves your organization? Each individual will be added under a membership/voucher that is good for one calendar year and can be updated/swapped for a new employee upon any personnel changes before the next renewal cycle. That means that if an employee leaves your organization for any reason, another employee can take over that membership for the remainder of the year. (subject to review)
Thank you!
(The ACCP does not discriminate in membership based on race, religion, national origin, sex or handicap)