
The Dr. Dianne Rechtine Fellowship in Correctional Healthcare

American College of Correctional Physicians

Click here to read about Dianne

The American College of Correctional Physicians (ACCP) serves clinicians working in the correctional world and their patients by promoting excellence in practice, physician development, consistent ethical behavior, and other activities. It has long been part of the vision of the ACCP to raise the profile of physicians working in jails, prisons, and other carceral facilities by achieving formal recognition in the medical field, and especially specialty recognition and accreditation by the Accreditation Council on Graduate Medical Education (ACGME). One step on this route has been the establishment of this Fellowship.

For additional information regarding the ACCP, including its Mission and Vision Statement, please visit:

Fellows of the ACCP have demonstrated their expertise in and dedication to correctional healthcare through training, education, and ongoing work experience. Applicants should familiarize themselves with the criteria and application process described below.
The ACCP Fellowship Committee is comprised primarily of current ACCP Fellows who have been appointed by the ACCP President (the President may on occasion identify for committee membership physicians who have demonstrated dedication to and knowledge of correctional healthcare despite not being active Fellows). One of these members is also designated by the President as chairperson.
The Fellowship Committee meticulously reviews applicants and has the authority to recommend approval, denial, a need for additional information, or deferral for other reasonable and clearly stated reason to the ACCP Board of Directors. The Board has the authority to take action on applications, communicating its conclusions to the Fellowship Committee Chair, who in turn timely communicates it to the Fellowship Committee and the applicant.
Successful applicants receive a certificate testifying to this achievement along with the authority to identify themselves as Fellows of the American College of Correctional Physicians, adding the acronym FACCP to their documents.
This Fellowship is named for Dr. Dianne Rechtine. Dr. Rechtine’s early years were spent traveling the world as a military dependent, but when she reached college age she settled in her home state of West Virginia, receiving degrees at the Bachelor and Medical Doctor levels from West Virginia University (1961 and 1965). She began her career as a family physician and accepted a public health role in the mid-1980s. It was while working in public health, including directing a rehabilitation unit, that Dr. Rechtine first became dedicated to those citizens in most need. In 1985 she moved from family medicine and public health to practice and supervisory roles in the Florida Department of Corrections (FDOC).
During her years in the FDOC and after her 2005 retirement, Dr. Rechtine advocated for all aspects of correctional healthcare, and for correctional physicians in particular. Her vision and work have been recognized and honored by the National Commission on Correctional Health Care, the American Correctional Association, and the Society of Correctional Physicians (now the ACCP). One of her continuing projects was the achievement of recognition for physicians working in jails and prisons, and she helped develop and lead the Correctional Medical Fellowship at Nova Southeastern University.
Dr. Rechtine passed in 2021 after a long illness. We will miss her, not only because she contributed so greatly to correctional healthcare, meeting and exceeding her professional duties, but also because of her always optimistic and supportive optimism and approach to life. We will never forget her.

Minimum Criteria for Fellowship in the
American College of Correctional Physicians

  1. Submission of a completed application form and application fee to the ACCP via:

            E-mail:  jessica@accpmed.org

            ACCP Fellowship
            Jessica Roquemore
            100 Old Cherokee Road
            Suite F262
            Lexington, SC 29072

  1. Current Practice of Correctional Medicine

 At the time of application, the candidate must be actively involved in correctional medicine, including direct patient care and/or administration. At least four years of experience (8000 hours or more) should be documented over the most recent six-year period. If adequate hours are documented but during more than the most recent six-year period,an explanation is required. 
Participation in and/or completion of a formal correctional healthcare training program will be counted towards the hour’s requirement.

  1. Candidates shall demonstrate continuing dedication and commitment to correctional medicine. At least four of the following activities are suggested, although the Fellowship Committee may consider any activity suggested by the candidate:
    • Contributing as writer or editor of an article or articles published in a corrections-related educational or research publication, either in print or on-line.
    • Presenting at one or more correctional medicine meetings or educational sessions. This may be local, regional, or national, but must directly relate to correctional medicine. Educational sessions may include teaching at the graduate school level or above.
    • Volunteering outside of usual work responsibilities, serving the community in a manner directly related to correctional medicine. Examples include teaching the public about corrections and correctional medicine, community or legislative activism specifically related to correctional medicine issues, and public health efforts including mentorship of at-risk individuals. 
    • Participation in the development of programs or standards beyond the usual scope of current employment. Examples include development of CQI programs or practice standards, participation in statewide public health coordination programs, or development of corrections educational programs with medical schools and residencies.
    • Working as a surveyor or consultant with a corrections-related agency or organization such as the National Commission on Correctional Health Care or the American Correctional Association.
    • Serving as or assisting a Court Monitor for a correctional facility or department.
    • Serving in a position of leadership in a nationally recognized medical organization specifically related to correctional medicine. Candidates choosing this option should describe how their actions relate not only to the organization but also to correctional healthcare.
    • Achieving Certified Correctional Health Professionals (CCHP) certification.
    • Other demonstrations of dedication and commitment to correctional healthcare identified, described, and documented by the candidate.
  2. Candidates shall be actively licensed to practice medicine in the state(s) where performing correctional healthcare work. License(s) shall not be restricted in a way that requires institutional or correctional work, that is, licensee must be able to practice in the community.
  3. Candidates must demonstrate excellent character. Candidates must disclose and provide full information regarding any medical or controlled substance license or certification restriction or revocation, complaints to a medical board, criminal convictions including pleas accepted in lieu of criminal conviction, restriction or revocation of hospital or other medical staff privileges, malpractice actions reported to a licensing board, or active substance abuse or dependence during the six years prior to application. This list shall not be considered exhaustive. (If privileges, licensure, etc. were relinquished in lieu of action or possible action, this shall also be reported.) National Practitioner Database entries must be fully explained.
  4. Candidates must have active Board Certification in an ACGME accredited specialty obviously applicable to correctional healthcare, most typically Internal Medicine, Family Medicine, Pediatrics, Psychiatry, and Emergency Medicine. Other areas of specialization will be considered along with practice experience on a case-by-case basis. Candidates who have completed an ACGME fellowship in correctional medicine within the previous six years will be deemed to have met this requirement irrespective of other Board Certification status.
  5. Candidates shall have earned at least thirty-six continuing medical hours directly and specifically related to the practice of correctional medicine during the three years prior to Fellowship application. Additional consideration will be given for additional hours or related teaching activities.
  6. Candidates shall be active and contributing ACCP members for at least the four years prior to application. Examples of contributions include attending or presenting at ACCP conferences, membership on an ACCP committee, ACCP Board membership, or writing or contributing to CorrDocs (the ACCP quarterly publication). This list is not exhaustive.
  7. Candidates shall seek two letters of recommendation from current ACCP members, at least one of which must be a current Fellow. Letters shall include a description of the relationship between the candidate and the writer and, among other information, attest to the good character and dedication to correctional healthcare of the candidate. Letter shall be submitted directly by the writer to the same address given above.
  8. Recertification shall occur every three years. Recertification shall require attestation that no additional or new licensure restrictions or limitations have been imposed by any licensing boards, that no clinical or hospital staff privileges have been reduced, limited, or withdrawn (or either that such action is pending or that such privileges have been voluntarily relinquished in lieu of such action), that the Fellow has not been released from employment for cause, that no felony convictions have occurred (or that such actions are pending), that no untreated substance abuse or behavioral disorder which might affect the practice of medicine exists, and that the Fellow continued to be dedicated to supporting high quality healthcare in the correctional setting. If the Fellow wishing recertification cannot attest to all of the above but wishes to continue as a Fellow, a full explanation must be attached to the request for recertification. The Fellowship Committee will review the recertification request, including any attached explanations, before determining whether Fellowship status can continue.
  9. Fellows who are fully retired from the practice of correctional medicine may continue status as Fellows. Use of the initials FACCP should be amended to FACCP (emeritus) for clarification.
  10. From time to time the President may identify a physician whose years of service to correctional healthcare deserve recognition and submit their name to the Fellowship Committee for consideration for Honorary Fellowship status. The Fellowship Committee shall have the authority to review the referral and determine whether the honor is warranted.
  11. Fellowship fees.
    • Initial application fee - $50.00
    • After application approval for lifetime membership as a Fellow - $250.00
  12. From time to time a Fellow may, through behavior or performance, no longer meet the standards expected of an ACCP Fellow. Any ACCP member may bring such a concern to the attention of the President, Member of the Board of Directors of the ACCP, or Chair of the Fellowship Committee. The circumstances shall be investigated and reviewed by the Fellowship Committee, including providing the Fellow an opportunity to present information and/or concerns. If the Fellowship Committee believes that Fellowship status should be revoked, this recommendation shall be forwarded to the President, who shall ensure that the Board of Directors of the ACCP review the recommendations. The Board of Directors of the ACCP shall make one of the following recommendations regarding the Fellow:
    • Continuation of Fellowship status
    • Continuation of Fellowship status pending receipt of additional information (to be specified)
    • Conditional continuation of Fellowship status (with conditions specified)
    • Suspension of Fellowship status pending receipt of additional information (to be specified)
    • Removal of Fellowship status (detailed explanation to be provided to the involved Fellow)

List of ACCP Fellows:

Glen Babich, MD, MBA, CCHP, FACCP
Shasha Alizadeh, B Pharm, MBBS, FACCP
Seth Stabinsky, MD, CCHP-P, FACCP
Philip Eskew, DO, JD, MBA, CCHP-P, FACCP
Garth Gulick, MD, FAAFP, FACCP, CCHP-P
Johnny Bates, MD, CCHP, CCHP-P, FACCP
Brian Buschman, MD, FABFM, FACCP
Roderick Matticks, MD, MPH, CCHP, FACCP
Jimmy Fernandez, MD, FACCP
Chun Chiang, MD, CCHP, FACCP
Alfred Garcia, MD, CCHP, FACCP
Robert Greifinger, MD, FACCP
Keith Ivens, MD, FACCP
Carl Keldie, MD, CCHP, FACCP
Jeffrey Keller, MD, CCHP-P, FACCP
Rebecca Ballard, MD, CCHP-P, FACCP
Lawrence Mendel, DO, CCHP, FACCP
Juan Nunez, MD, CCHP, FACCP
Olu Ogunsanwo, MD, CCHP, FACCP
George Pramstaller, DO, CCHP, FACCP
Michael Puerini, MD, CCHP-A, FACCP
Steven Scheibel, MD, FACCP
Ronald Shansky, MD, MPH, FACCP
Steve Shelton, MD, FACCP
Anne Spaulding, MD, MPH, CCHP, FACCP
Asher Turney, MD, MBA, MSPH, CCHP, FACCP
Johnny Wu, MD, CCHP, FACCP
Fred Vohr, MD, FACCP
Nnenna Ikegbu, MD, FAAFP, CCHP, FACCP

Application Form

For more information on becoming a Fellow of the American College of Correctional Physicians, please e-mail the ACCP at jessica@accpmed.org or call us 803-269-5555.