Volunteer opportunities

You are invited to volunteer for any of several exciting ongoing opportunities.

By contributing to CorrDocs, you can enrich not only your own membership experience, but others’. You can also serve on the CorrDocs Editorial Board where you’ll help solicit authors and review submitted articles.

To find out more please email:  philsq@gmail.com


The American College of Correctional Physicians relies on its committees to help formulate policy, guide programs, or make recommendations to the Board of Directors.  More about committees...
Board of Directors

Every two years, in accordance with the bylaws of the American College of Correctional Physicians, an election is conducted for the offices of President-elect, Secretary, Treasurer, and Director for each of the regions. In addition to the specific responsibilities of each office, the elected officers and directors serve on the ACCP Board of Directors, along with the President and Immediate Past President.